
Educational Ocean Video

At the end of last year, we - Kady Galea, Victoria Magro, Jake Camilleri and Matteo Stagno, with the help of Ms. Smith, created a stop motion video. We made [...]

Eko-skola notice boards

The Eko-skola committee set up two different notice-boards to be able to disseminate the work done to the rest of the school. On one notice board, information [...]

Providing Healthier Options

During last year’s parents evening and parent’s day, a lot of food rich in sugars and fats was sold at the door.  Therefore, at the beginning of the year, [...]

Litter-less campaign

This year, the Eko-skola group decided to apply for the Litter-less campaign funds. These funds will be used throughout the year for various activities to [...]

Time for action

We, the Eco-School committee, attended the Oceans Summit and prepared some points to present and also to discuss. Our ideas were good but we realised that [...]

Eko-Skola Summit

The Eko-skola committee members participated in the Eko-skola summit. To go to the summit, we managed to pool with the neighbouring Rabat primary B school [...]

Global Week 2017

A group of students representing the school council, the Eko-Skola committee and others representing the school participated in the Global Week 2017 that was [...]

Our Eco-Warden System

This year in our school, we have decided that we are going to try our best to recycle and keep the school clean.  So students were asked to volunteer and [...]

Decreasing Ocean Litter

We Eco-School members decided to work of the environmental issue Ocean Litter.   This choice was done since last year, when the year 8 students went to [...]

Clean-up event

The Eko-skola committee, worked in collaboration with the P.E. department to organise a clean-up event during a tracking activity organised by the P.E. [...]