
Assembly in English for World Children’s Day

On the occasion of World Children’s Day, several activities were held, including the Special Assembly in English, where students read out Malala [...]

Reading Champions

The Literacy and Information Support Unit, in collaboration with the National Book Council and the Department of Curriculum Management, organises a yearly [...]

Students collect food stuff for Foodbank

Thanks to an initiative of the Students' Council, students from our school collected food stuff to be given to the foodbank in Old Bakery Street, [...]

Ħarġa Mistħoqqa mal-klassi ta’ Berlin, il-Buskett

Nhar it-Tnejn 23 ta' Ottubru, saret ħarġa b'mottiv speċjali, sabiex tkun premjata l-klassi kollha ta' Berlin, għall-ħidma u l-imġiba tagħhom tul [...]

Il-Kċina Sors ta’ Tagħlim

Il-kċina nqisha bħala librerija oħra, klassi oħra fejn tkun tista' bl-aktar mod tanġibbli u pjaċevoli twassal diversi ħiliet fil-lingwa kif ukoll [...]

Jum Dun Karm

Jum Dun Karm ġie imfakkar mill-istudenti tal-iskola tagħna b' kant ta' għanjiet u qari ta' poeżiji bil-għajnuna tal-għalliema [...]

Street Smart TV launched at Rabat Middle School

The Street Smart TV was officially launched by Director General Ms Maria McNamara at Saint Nicholas Middle School in Rabat. Ms Marita Abdilla, Head of School [...]

Rabat Middle School officially inaugurated

The St. Nicholas College Rabat Middle School was officially inaugurated on May 5th, 2017 by the Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo. Present [...]