Climate Change

Mattie Salamon wrote a very interesting article about Climate change.  He too us for a journey through time right from the beginning of our carbon dioxide emission story.  Looking at the data he gathered from the research he carried out, he found patterns in the emission of five countries.  Read the full article to understand the issue well and go [...]

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Time for action

We, the Eco-School committee, attended the Oceans Summit and prepared some points to present and also to discuss. Our ideas were good but we realised that it’s impossible to [...]

Eko-Skola Summit

The Eko-skola committee members participated in the Eko-skola summit. To go to the summit, we managed to pool with the neighbouring Rabat primary B school committee members [...]

Global Week 2017

A group of students representing the school council, the Eko-Skola committee and others representing the school participated in the Global Week 2017 that was held at Cospicua [...]

Our Eco-Warden System

This year in our school, we have decided that we are going to try our best to recycle and keep the school clean.  So students were asked to volunteer and become eco-wardens [...]

Decreasing Ocean Litter

We Eco-School members decided to work of the environmental issue Ocean Litter.   This choice was done since last year, when the year 8 students went to Mistra Bay for their [...]

Clean-up event

The Eko-skola committee, worked in collaboration with the P.E. department to organise a clean-up event during a tracking activity organised by the P.E. department. This was [...]

Intervent ġol-Klassijiet

Bħala grupp tal-Eko-Skola aħna ridna nkunu ċerti li kull klassi fl-iskola tagħna tkun qed tirriċikla sewwa u li ma tkunx qed taħli dawl mixgħul għal xejn. Sabiex [...]

Visiting Action Planet Exhibition

The Eko-skola committee, eco-wardens and eco-friends all visited an exhibition held at the St. James Cavalier during February and March. There we were able to witness the [...]

Health & Safety: 8 Symptoms of Meningitis that every parent should know about

Meningitis is a disease connected with the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. The etiology of this disease can vary, but the [...]