Climate Change

Mattie Salamon wrote a very interesting article about Climate change.  He too us for a journey through time right from the beginning of our carbon dioxide emission story.  Looking at the data he gathered from the research he carried out, he found patterns in the emission of five countries.  Read the full article to understand the issue well and go [...]

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School dismissal times for Rabat Middle School

A staggered dismissal will start at 1330hrs for all students and will last until 1406hrs.   Parents who will pick up their child at the end of school are kindly [...]


Dear parents/guardians, Please note that we have just been informed that:-Year 7 students will start school on Friday 9th October, 2020There is no school on Monday [...]

Update to school regulations

All Parents and Guardians Please download your Microsoft Teams as any serious problem needs to be addressed through this platform As you are well advised this year, [...]

Guidelines and information for Parents/Guardians (following instructions by Public Health Authorities)

Our school is currently preparing to welcome students again and we are taking all necessary measures to make it a safe environment to all our students due to the [...]

Linji gwida u informazzjoni għall-Ġenituri/Gwardjani (fuq struzzjonijiet tal-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa Pubblika)

Bħalissa l-iskola tinsab fil-proċess li tilqa’ mill-ġdid lill-istudenti u qed tagħmel minn kollox biex tieħu l-miżuri kollha neċessarji minħabba l-imxija. [...]

Important instructions re. COVID-19 pandemic

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please find some of the measures the school will be practicing to keep your children healthy: Masks or VisorsIt is recommended that students [...]

September 2020: Training in the use of Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is increasingly being used by schools. for educational purposes. Thus the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills invites you to attend [...]

Taħriġ Għall-Edukaturi, Studenti U Ġenituri Fl-Użu Tal-Microsoft TEAMS — Voluntary Training in the use of Microsoft TEAMS

Bħala parti mill-iżvilupp u t-taħriġ, il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol, permezz tad-Direttorat tal-Litteriżmu Diġitali u l-Ħiliet Transversali qed [...]

School uniform for Rabat Middle School 2020/2021

SUMMER P.E. KIT:• HOUSE COLOUR T-shirt carrying College name.Year 8 - keep your colourYear 7 - do not buy yet as the house colour will be assigned in October• P.E. [...]

Return of School Textbooks/Ġbir tal-Kotba tal-Iskola

Dear parents/guardians and students of Rabat Middle School, We hope you are all fine and looking forward for the Summer Holidays. Before you start, kindly be [...]